Foundational Stage-1 (3+ Years) Nursery
Skillment FS-1 (Foundational Stage-1) is a set of resourceful, properly-graded series of Maths, English, EVS, Hindi, Art and Craft, Kavitayen aur Kahaniyan, My Rhymes and Stories for Nursery. It has been made to achieve the aims and objectives outlined in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) of National Education Policy 2020. The course material is also aligned with the guidelines mentioned under NIPUN Bharat (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) and National Curriculum Framework(NCF) for Foundational Stage 2022. We are also providing Workbooks, Skillment Teacher’s Resource Kit, Multimedia ebooks, Virtual lessons, Additional worksheets and AR (Augmented Reality) app.
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